Future Now

Mentoring and job readiness support

The Chatfield Edge is committed to supporting students beyond the application and admissions process because we know that ongoing support can lead to long-term success.

Ensuring Long-Term Educational Success

We know that ongoing support during your coursework can help to ensure long-term success. That’s why our support doesn’t end once you’re accepted into a post-secondary education program.

Once they have started classes, each of our student scholars is assigned a mentor. Your mentor has walked in your shoes. They know what’s ahead for you and are dedicated to making sure your journey is as smooth as possible.

Your mentor will meet with you at least four times during each school semester. These check-in meetings will help you stay organized and focused on your schoolwork. At these meetings your mentor can help you:

  • Become comfortable in your role as a student scholar.
  • Locate resources that might help you as you pursue your education.
  • Understand your responsibilities as a student and how you can live up to them.
  • Brainstorm ideas for overcoming any obstacles you’re facing.
  • Become more confident in reaching your goal of graduation.
  • Develop life skills that will help you balance your new career with other responsibilities.

“Education can make all the difference in the world. School can change your life. Sometimes people just need an encouraging word to believe that they can succeed.”

– Dianne Blizniak, Mentor

Ready to explore educational opportunities?

Our team is ready to help you overcome the challenges that stand in the way of reaching your educational goals. If you’re ready to make post-secondary education a reality, and to ultimately achieve your career goals, take the next step.

Learn more about Chatfield’s other pillars of support


Align your strengths and goals with educational opportunities.


Explore financial aid options and earn scholarships if needed.


Open your heart and discover new depths you didn’t know existed.