Welcome Back Message for Students
Dear Chatfield Students,
You are the heart of Chatfield College. Since 1845, when the Ursuline educational mission began in Ohio, our core values of Faith & Community, Empowerment & Accountability, and Learning & Growing have set thousands on the pathway to success and a life of fulfillment. To help you get off to a great start this semester, here are some helpful pointers:
Classes and Access
Our Fall, 2020 classes begin on Monday, August 17, and will end on Monday, November 23. You can review the Academic Calendar for additional significant dates.
- Please make sure your electronic account is active. Sometimes we ask if you’ve checked your email as a way to determine this. If you haven’t checked your email please do so well before classes begin. If you’re having trouble, consider reaching out to our IT support at CCIThelp@chatfield.edu. Your account is the key to all of our electronic resources, including access to course materials and assignment grades throughout the semester. We’ll only be sending information to your Chatfield account, so please be sure you keep it up to date.
- This semester we have switched our online presence to Canvas, and added 24/7 tutoring and proctoring to complement our continuing in-person options. To get started, please make sure your account is active, then head to our Canvas area. Once you are set up, you can also download and install an app on your phone (Android or iOS) Canvas is also linked through the Student Room section of our website. You’ll likely be using Canvas even if you aren’t taking an online course. Training modules are at the top of every Canvas course page.
- Need books? Check out our online bookstore. If your course text is by OpenStax College you can purchase a printed copy, or sign up for free electronic copies and access, no strings attached. Your text may also be available in your Canvas course, also for free!
How do I get help?
- Take a look at our Services and Contact Information page. Of course, you can also just drop in!
- Need a quick video tutorial on how to get the most out of your email or Microsoft apps? Submit a request to be added to our Instructional Technology Site.
- Our safety plan is in place. See here for information. Please know that when you arrive on campus you will have your temperature taken and will be issued a daily sticker. Face coverings will be required at all times, rooms will be cleaned regularly and are arranged to allow safe physical distancing.
- If you are ill with a fever you should not come to campus. Instead, please reach out to your professor to work out a plan for keeping up with coursework and how you will be counted as having attended. This may involve using Canvas to complete coursework remotely.
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