Why Support The Chatfield Edge

“The Chatfield Edge is like a secret weapon for success. Going into my education, I had no idea where to start and David pointed me in the right direction. The Chatfield Edge offers unique opportunities and resources that enhance my learning experience and help me feel more prepared. They empower me, build my confidence, and push me to aim higher.”

Kaylie – Dental Hygiene – University of Cincinnati

Unleashing Opportunities Through Education

At The Chatfield Edge, we help disadvantaged, first-generation and non-traditional students overcome barriers to reaching their post-secondary education goals.

Like you, we’re passionate about unleashing opportunities through education. Please join us in reaching even more student scholars. Your donation can help:

  • Provide scholarships and close-the-gap emergency funding for under-resourced students.
  • Build our mentor recruitment efforts to achieve one-to-one student/mentor ratios.
  • Expand the higher education expertise needed to achieve full wrap-around student services.
  • Fund scholarship endowments.

Donate to the Annual Fund

Help make it possible for students to dream big. Gifts received throughout the year from businesses, organizations, foundations, and individual friends of The Chatfield Edge enable us to allocate resources where there is the most need. Your gift, in most cases, is tax deductible.

Other Ways to Give

Monthly Giving

An automatic monthly gift to the Annual Fund creates a reliable foundation for our work, allowing us to plan ahead and maximize the impact of every dollar.

Gift of Securities

Your planned gift may involve transferring securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) to The Chatfield Edge. There are many ways to do so.

Legacy Giving

Planning a legacy gift is easy. You can support The Chatfield Edge with this planned giving option, by naming us in your will or trust.

Endowed Scholarships

Your gift of $25,000 or more can provide a $1,000 scholarship to a student every year. You may name your scholarship, specify restrictions (e.g. for nursing students), and add to it at any time.

Workplace/Matching Gifts

Many companies will match gifts to The Chatfield Edge made by their employees (or their employee’s spouse), board members, and retirees. Such matches can double or triple the impact of your gift.

Memorial/Honor Gifts

You can create a permanent tribute to someone special, or remember a loved one who has passed, with a gift that can have a lifelong impact on our students.

What our student scholars are saying about The Chatfield Edge

“Chatfield turned me around 100 percent. I fell in love with school, and the work came easy to me. I am capable of it and want to keep trying.”

Arneqka – Social Work – Mount St. Joseph University

“Without Chatfield’s support, it would be more difficult to finance my education. I’m also grateful for the guidance I receive to navigate both school and life.”

Ethan – Resort and Attraction Management Program, Bowling Green State University

Thank You

Special thanks to the following foundations that support student success at The Chatfield Edge and formerly Chatfield College: